Those who work in international cooperation debate with ICT experts to show how the work of NGOs, governments and development agencies is put to the test by the increasingly rapid spread of computers, mobile phones and low-cost connection in both the North and South of the world.
A journey through literature, cinema, journalism and visual art to better understand how populations’ historical and cultural heritage interacts with new media.
What happens when NGOs discover that ICT is a way to speed up active participation, engagement and the spread of civic awareness? Through the use of SMS, radio, maps, and social networks, “recipient” communities become protagonists in change on a local and international level.
Some of the most interesting online publications are cultural information websites which, incontrast to the traditional media, are updated continuously. But what about their role as mediators? What is their future in a market that favours rapid consumption? All the above will be discussed by the editors of a number of publications, from comics to […]
The results of the Hackathon that took place on 10th October. How is Open Data achieved in non-governmental organisations? How are the international funds for cooperation distributed? What are the fl ows for the return of migrants?
The use of databases, digital maps and software to analyse data offers new opportunities for carrying out more effective development projects, whilst also supporting advocacy campaigns and spreading awareness of the global challenges of the new millennium.
With an annual turnover of over $80 billion and a source of inspiration for businesses and public institutes alike, videogames are the biggest sector in the entertainment industry. The concept of gamifi cation was created in response to some worrying fi gures: just 13% of workers are “engaged” at work and more than 70% of […]
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