The keyword for the Internet Festival 2014 is matter. The Internet Festival will bring the net and the city of Pisa to life for four days this October.

Just as the industrial revolution was born out of coal and steel, the digital revolution is born out of mines bursting with an inexhaustible supply of binary numbers, which when put together, generate big data, the vital substratum for complex matter and active semi-processed products. The new economic paradigm of Internet Economies emerge out of this mine; citizens, researchers, public administrators, makers, start-ups, artists and visionaries play a leading role, extracting first matter to realise projects and products which impact our daily lives.

The intense programme is based around the following subject areas:

Internet innovation puts forward new business models, generates
opportunities, provokes significant changes in marketing and communications, changes markets (from finance to advertising) and facilitates new relationships between entrepreneurs, investors, scholars and administrators. The IF is organising 3. Go green: the internet is the driving force keynote speakers to discuss the direction of these  behind the development of sustainable “green changes, pioneering formats to facilitate the growth of ideas and business plans as well as exhibitions and themed installations.

ICT is the “raw material” for making products aimed at both micro and macro-markets. “Bits are the new atoms,” (cit. Chris Anderson) generating tangible products and instruments, unrelated to the immaterial world of digital knowledge and skills. Products include drones, designer and consumer objects, soft furnishings, buildings, games, clothing.

The Internet is the driving force behind the development of sustainable “green alternatives.” Suitable for business and production models as well as collaborative, traceable and low-cost work models, these alternatives support human and environmental nature and have a bottom-up structure to include developing markets.

Citizens are the co-creators of social relationships. They are the lifeblood of collaboration and participation models which improve the awareness of individuals who are in turn part of a larger community. Values such as solidarity, cooperation and responsibility become the driving force behind these new ideas to improve social problems, making society’s actions more targeted and efficient.

Exploring the evolution of design through creativity and technologies. A careful look at design-driven innovation, that is, design that creates new markets, rather than originating from market demand; design-driven innovation brings new meanings to life and anticipates future desires, rather than spearheading new technologies.

Internet economies are making their way through the web that is the world of videogames and playing in general. The sector will be considered from a multitude of directions and not just as a market which is seeing continual growth: from collaborative ecosystems, run by free softwares and launched then into the market, to gamification applied in business and administration problem solving. New (and sometimes revisited) scenarios in which the mechanics of gaming enter the world of business, (the lack of) socialising online and daily life.

Lurking in the dark side of the web is the technical challenge of hackers. Dominating technology, hackers ensure their movements cannot be traced and then access restricted areas and reveal internet controls. I confini oscuri si addicono al porno e testano la Cybersecurity tra difesa dei dati sensibili.

Innovation enables traditional goods to be used in different ways and reinvents the sector by making the most of collective interests and interactions between the protagonists of the cultural scene, that is, the operators, creators and creatives, the public and administrators. Ordinary and reinvented tools (techniques, expressive styles, design and construction, advertising and communication) can spark a new “Renaissance”, moving us forward in time towards a dimension where participation and collectivism reign.

Iaimed at children, enthusiasts and experts, T-TOURS are fun and educational activities which explore digital culture. A changing schedule of activities include exhibitions, theatre, music and live events, guaranteeing a fun and engaging experience.