Make it Good(s) @en


R.I.O.T. Hackathon “Revolutionizing the Internet of Things”

The Internet of Things means that our future world will offer boundless opportunities! The worlds of mobility, entertainment, domotics, gaming, fi tness and any other industry will drastically change. This development marathon brings together talented coders, hackers, enthusiasts, makers, students and researchers who are ready to work on one of the most important topics of […]


R.I.O.T. results “Revolutionizing the Internet of Things”

A presentation of the projects developed during the R.I.O.T. hackathon

The hacking groups will unveil their projects, complete with demos and a presentation, to the judges and the general public. The best three projects will receive a prize (hardware or software) from the businesses sponsoring the event.

The Internet of Things

Internet include gli oggetti di uso comune trasformando grazie a dispositivi dedicati i nostri atti quotidiani in dati

Learn the programming rules for Dquid with one of its designers. Take on the hardware and connect and control any object via the Internet or a smartphone. Later personalise the object in the temporary workshop.



Robots don’t get old

Human body parts built in the lab to help disabled people or to remedy the natural deterioration that comes with age. The future is upon us. Wearables are becoming not only tools for relationships, but also enable users to achieve up to sporting level performance. Before the panel discussion, Nicola Vitiello will present his exoskeleton.


A new and creative production chain

Enabling the individuals involved in the design process to work independently while still being able to communicate via specific IT platforms

The founder of Slow/d will help us use his platform to come up with products that can be manufactured using a 3D printed structural node (the winner of an open call for candidates available for the whole month of September). The resulting projects will be prototyped in the temporary workshop.


A new and creative production chain

Enabling the individuals involved in the design process to work independently while still being able to communicate via specific IT platforms

The founder of Slow/d will help us use his platform to come up with products that can be manufactured using a 3D printed structural node (the winner of an open call for candidates available for the whole month of September). The resulting projects will be prototyped in the temporary workshop.


A new and creative production chain

Enabling the individuals involved in the design process to work independently while still being able to communicate via specifi c IT platforms

The founder of Slow/d will help us use his platform to come up with products that can be manufactured using a 3D printed structural node (the winner of an open call for candidates available for the whole month of September). The resulting projects will be prototyped in the temporary workshop.


The situated aesthetics of human – machine symbiosis

In this talk i will present our ongoing series of experiments at the edge of science, art and technology that is probing the natural principles of creativity and aesthetics and their synthesis in artefacts. At the core of these experiments stands the hypothesis of situated aesthetics: beauty emerging from the interaction between meaning generating agents. […]


Listen to involve

Involve rather than sell. The paradigm between content users and objects has changed

The heads of MOD-O will join us on a three-leg journey of listening, feeling and involving. Each leg is an immersive simulation of how a true 3.0 business operates: an experimentation of roles and techniques. The demonstration will be documented with the very tools we will be learning about.


Listen to involve

Involve rather than sell. The paradigm between content users and objects has changed

The heads of MOD-O will join us on a three-leg journey of listening, feeling and involving. Each leg is an immersive simulation of how a true 3.0 business operates: an experimentation of roles and techniques. The demonstration will be documented with the very tools we will be learning about.