
Stefania Giannini


Born in Lucca the 18th November 1960, married with two children, Stefania Giannini studied at the Universities of Pisa and Pavia to become an ordinary professor in Glottology and Linguistics.
Rector of the Perugia University for Foreigners from 2004 to 2012, Stefania carried out national and international research in the sectors of education and the promotion of culture.
She has been a member of the National Commission for the Promotion of Italian Culture Abroad at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President of the CNR Commission of Studies for the Ethics of Research and Bioethics and member of the Strategic Steering Committee for Scientific and Cultural Relations between Italy and France. From 2006 to 2011 she was a representative at the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities and head of International Relations.
In 2011 she received the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic from President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano.
During the 2013 political elections, she was elected Senate of the Republic for Scelta Civica in Regione Toscana.
Head of the Scelta Civica group in the VII Commission of the Senate (Public Education, Cultural Heritage) and President of the parliamentary delegation of the INCE (Central European Initiative), in November 2013 she became Political Secretary for Scelta Civica.