
Salvatore Fruguglietti


Salvatore Fruguglietti, an engineer and ex-classical high school student, has been with Le Nuvole since 1998 and since 2001 has coordinated and created (in a productive, multi-hand and mind approach) projects relating to the communication of science.

Among the promoters of COm_unica, a school for the (theatrical) communication of science, and of CO_scienze, a project including events constructing a (scientifically) informed European citizenship.

He deals with training methodologies for science communicators and the interaction between theatre and science and science and society, carrying out consultancy work in this area for “science venues” and activities to spread the word with articles and publications.

His daily routine is dedicated to managing and coordinating communicators of science and science communication activities aimed at the museum-goers of the Science Centre of the City of Science in Naples.

Married to Alessandra (future biolinguist and present creative), they are the happy parents of Mattia (2005) and Ranieri Morgan (2009).