
Rosy Battaglia

battaglia-rosy Ph. Alessio Iacona

Rosy Battaglia is an online journalist and social media specialist, and blogs on Batblog. She specialises in environmental, cultural and social investigations, and is also a trainer and consultant on Social Media.

She is the inventor and curator of Cittadini Reattivi, a civic journalism project and crowdmapping site on the environment, health and law that won the Fondazione ahref contest for multimedia investigations with a high civil and social impact, in 2013.

She works with Nòva Il Sole 24 ore, Wired Italia, La Nuova Ecologia, and Terre di mezzo. She has worked with Lettera 43, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino, New Tabloid, Radiopopolare, and the press agency Redattore Sociale. She is a member of the office of the president of FIMA, Federazione Italiana Media Ambientali. First prize in the La Stampa Digital Information Quality Jury awards 2013.