
Philippe Joron


The cyber-skin of porn encourages solitary desires to get sweaty together.

Philippe Joron is professor of the Sociology of the Imagination at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Paul Valéry University in Montpellier and visiting professor at the PUCRS University of Porto Alegre and the UFPE University (Brazil). Philippe’s research focuses on the imagination and parties, violence and eroticism in contemporary society. He is one of the leading scholars on the work of Georges Bataille.

His most recent publications include La fête à pleins bords. Bayonne: fêtes de rien, soif d’absolu (Party to the max. Bayonne: parties of nothingness, thirst for the absolute), CNRS Éditions, Paris 2012; La vie improductive. Georges Bataille et l’hétérologie sociologique (An unproductive life. Georges Bataille and sociological heterology), Pulm, Montpellier 2009 (Ed. Sulina, Porto Alegre 2013); Violences et communication, “Cahiers de l’IRSA” (Violence and communication, “Notebooks of the IRSA”), Pulm, Montpellier 2006.