


The birth of PcDonato is lost in the mists of time but is historically recorded as being in 2009. Product of a marriage between Wanting to do Something and Enthusiasm, it took its first steps in a spirit of idealism and practicality: it started courses in computer literacy and when it discovered that older people and adults wanted to benefit from these courses, it decided to run the courses for them, coming up against a phrase that would become fundamental for them, the “digital divide” (a trendy, modern way of describing the lack of time and patience available to explain things). Given that it has patience in abundance, the courses were very successful and soon more were organised, for each particular requirement: courses and workshops in schools, training courses, and workshops at Internet Festivals. In the meantime it repairs and restores PCs that seem to be destined for the scrapheap, organises videogaming activities (i.e. parties and evenings where games and videogames rule), looks after and develops websites.

More than anything else it continues to grow and ask questions, because in the end (as every romantic idealist knows), that’s the only way to get any answers.