
Noemi Satta


Noemi Satta is a consultant in marketing strategy for culture and for the regions, a methodologist for participation and a group facilitator (from July 2000 to present).

She organises and runs workshops about strategic innovation in the cultural and voluntary sectors which feature storytelling, picture cards, mindmapping and trips into the local area.
Noemi works with organisations to help update contents and “containers” of culture, opening up new ways of accessing and consuming art and stimulating cultural and creative production.

She came up with Audicult, a format for analysing cultural strategies.
She is the brains behind and runs ZUP the recipe for change, services promoting participation and strategic innovation, regenerating regions and regenerating ideas. Noemi also runs training sessions in these areas.

Since 2009 she has been a representative of the Distretti Culturali project run by Fondazione Cariplo.
She writes the Che Zuppa! column for Vita, where she discusses participation and innovation with regards to culture.