
Lorenzo Fabbri

Fabbri Lorenzo

Lorenzo Fabbri studied semiotics and communication in Umberto Eco’s Sciences of Communication and has been working in culture and entertainment, mainly digital, for more than ten years. During this time, from within the Espresso Group’s digital division, he has contributed to the birth of the ilmiolibro (self-publishing), tvzap (social TV), ilmioesordio (editorial scouting), deejay viral (ranking viral trends) platforms and digital environments. His ideas sometimes feature in newspapers and on websites such as Wired, L’Espresso, Pagina99, Italia Oggi and Problemi dell’informazione. A book lover who’s addicted to the Internet, you can find him on Twitter https://twitter.com/lore77 and Linkedin http://it.linkedin.com/in/lorenzofabbri/