
Francesco Menghini


My name is Francesco Menghini and I was born in Terni as long ago as 1985.

I gained a degree in IT and Automation Engineering in 2008 and finished my studies in 2012 when I obtained a specialist degree in Industrial Automation Engineering, both at the Università Politecnica of the Marche.

Since then I have been working in the automation sector: I design very diverse systems, starting with the creation of electrical diagrams and carrying on to the creation of the software.

I’m interested in hundreds of things, from biology to photography, via IT and sport.

Although I spend a lot of time on my hobbies I still find room for my friends, who I love to spend long, happy evenings with.

In 2011 I became part of the Hacklab Terni Association, a team of people brought together by a passion for technology and creativity.