
Francesco Gaglianese


Francesco Gaglianese (class 1983) has an Honours Master’s Degree in Economic and Social Sciences for Development and Cooperation and a post-graduate specialisation in Economics of Sustainable Development.
He provided technical support to the coordination activities, implementation procedures and planning, monitoring and assessment activities of POR Calabria 2000-2006 for Ecoter S.r.l and Azienda Calabria Lavoro, and more recently for Formez PA within the “INNO.VA.RE.” project.
He has worked as coordinator of the Re-giovane Calabria workgroup regarding youth and creativity. He has also cooperated with the Centre for Studies on the Development and Cohesion Policies of the Region of Sardinia (Censloc), within the “Benchmark of local development in Italian regions” project by carrying out a detailed survey on local development tools. He is presently vice-president of the Aniti Association.
For Aniti, he is involved in the Coordination of the Social Innovation Laboratory “Culture and Creativity” within the PON04a3_00345 Project – “RisorgiMenti.Lab – Development and Testing of Social Innovation Platforms and Projects”.