
Daniele Chieffi


Daniele is head of the Web di Eni press office; he previously held the same position for the UniCredit Group. He worked for over ten years as a journalist for the Repubblica, before jumping ship to the world of online press to become the editor in chief of Vivacity.it, a chain of local portals created from a joint Gruppo Espresso-UniCredit Group project.
He teaches at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan), the Sapienza (Rome), the CUOA (Vicenza) and the Sole 24 Ore Business School, in addition to working with various publications. He is a member of the Steering Committee for State of the Net and has published the books: “Online media relations. L’ufficio stampa sulla Rete ovvero il web raccontato ai comunicatori” (The online press office or telling communicators about the web) and “Social media relations. Comunicatori e communities, influencers e dinamiche sociali del Web. Le P.R. online nell’era di Facebook, Twitter e Blogger” (Communicators and communities, influencers and social dynamics of the Web. Online PR in the era of Facebook, Twitter and Bloggers), with Sole 24 Ore publishers, “Online Crisis management” with Apogeo and “WoW. Working on Web. Giornalisti e comunicatori, come non s’inventa una professione” (Journalists and communicators, how not to invent a profession) with Franco Angeli. He founded and runs the professional community olmr.it.