
Claudia Bianchi


Claudia Bianchi is a mathematician with a Masters in Communication of Science from Sissa in publishing and scientific museology. She worked with the science museum in Glasgow and since 2008 has been a member of Tecnoscienza.it, a studio specialising in storytelling and scientific edutainment, where she is involved in education and scientific animation. She is the author of books for young people (Esperimenti con Frutta, verdure e altre delizie [Experiments with fruit, vegetables and other delights], 2012 and Esperimenti con Mostri, Vampiri e altri mostri [Experiments with zombies, vampires and other monsters], 2013 for Editoriale Scienza) and science teaching manuals for children from 3 to 6 (Facciamo che eravamo Scienziati [Let’s pretend we’re Scientists] – 2011, Facciamo che eravamo inventori [Let’s pretend we’re Inventors] – 2013, for ScienzaExpress).