
Andrea Zapparoli Manzoni

zapparoli manzoni - andrea

Andrea Zapparoli Manzoni has dealt passionately with ICT Security since
1997, as Trusted Advisor for national and International organisations, and as CTO / CISO in Enterprise environments, making good use of his multi-disciplinary background in Political Science and Computer Science.

He is the President of iDialoghi, an Italian company that deals with Cyber Security advanced training and with advanced consulting services, with special focus on Social Media and Industrial Security topics.

He is a member of the Management Boards of CLUSIT (Italian Association for Information Security), Assintel (National Association for ICT Companies) – for which he coordinates the ICT Security Workgroup – and APASS (Security and Safety Professional Association). He is also a member of the “CyberWorld” workgroup of OSN (Observatory for National Security of the Military Centre of Strategic Studies) and of the Board of Advisors of Washington’s CSCSS (Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + Security Science).

He is often invited to take part in conferences as speaker and to hold lectures at both Italian and foreign universities. For the “Clusit report on ICT Security in Italy”, he dealt with the section relating to the analysis of the main attacks at national and international level and of the trends for the future.