
Alessandra Santacroce


Director of Institutional Relations at IBM Italia
Governmental Programmes

After her degree in Political Sciences, Alessandra continued her studies specialising in Economy and Business Management at the ISTAO Management Institute in Ancona.

In 1992 she joined the Department for Economic Policies and Institutional Relations at the CNEL (the National Council for the Economy and Work), where she ran analysis and assessment sessions for large public finance schemes and carried out consultations with the Institutions it involved.

In 1996 she joined Pfizer, a multinational leader in the pharmaceutical industry, tasked with the job of creating the Department for Institutional Relations. She later became Director of the department, coordinating a unit focusing on relations with the government, parliament and with different interested stakeholders, such as citizen and patient associations. She held this position until 2007.

In this period she helped edit articles and publications about economic policies in addition to contributing to research into health and pharmaceutics.

Since 2008 she has been the Director of Institutional Relations at IBM Italia, a role dedicated to promoting the value of innovation in Italian and European policies.
She is the Executive Sponsor for Cultural Diversity for Italy.
Through the global IBM Governmental Programmes network, Alessandra has accrued international experience in skills, work and health policies as well as in managing geographic areas, specifically southern Europe (France, Spain and Portugal).
In addition to participating at various conferences about ICT policies, she has helped write a recent paper, edited by Assonime, relating to the new EU proposal about Data Privacy.