I was born in Bagno a Ripoli in 1958. My interest in politics began when I was a boy. In my early years in high school I was one of the leaders of the Students’ Movement and secretary of the Communist Youth Federation in Bagno a Ripoli.
In my early years at university I stopped my active involvement in politics. In 1982 I started working for a glass factory in Empoli where I remained until 1995, being involved in sales, design and then company management. After the big changes in 1990 I decided to resume my involvement in politics and was elected as a town councillor in Empoli. For two years I was the commissioner for economic development, but then had to stop because my professional commitments made it impossible.
In 1995 I was elected Mayor of Empoli. This fantastic experience lasted until 2004. During that time I was also President of the Empolese Valdelsa District and of the Conference of Mayors of Local Health Authority 11. They were very satisfying years that saw the consolidation of one of the strongest areas in the region that, by focusing on the key role played by Empoli, was able to obtain important gains for the area and that made a concerted effort to involve itself actively in the development of Tuscany. The years with the District were a time of major new services such as the University campus and infrastructure such as the new hospital and the new state road SS 429.
I then served for 2 years as Chairman and Managing Director of Publiservizi S.p.A. In 2003 I founded the Association for the Arno, of which I was Chairman, that has helped to put this great resource back at the centre of attention of Tuscan social life.
In 2005 I was elected as a Regional Councillor and was a member of the PD group. I my first term I was Chairman of the Third “Productive Activities” Commission. During my second term, I was leader of the Democratic Party group until, on 14 March 2013, President Rossi appointed me to be a Presidential Commissioner. Current skills and assignments: Information systems, technological structures, e-government, development of the information society
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