
Damiano Sabuzi Giuliani


Damiano Sabuzi Giuliani is head of the Aid and Poverty Reduction Programme for ActionAid and author of the organisation’s annual report, “L’Italia e la lotta alla povertà nel mondo” (Italy and combatting poverty in the world), concerning the state of the art and the effectiveness of the aid for Italian development.

From 2007 to 2012 he worked at FOCSIV, first in the communications office as head of publications and second as a researcher in the “Politics for Development” office, where he worked in public aid for development, innovative financial mechanisms, international trade, global governance and food sovereignty.

From 2011 to 2012 he was a member of the CIDSE “Food, Agriculture and Sustainable Trade”, “Resources for development” and “Private Sector” groups.
He has collaborated with the Italian Committee for Food Sovereignty and from 2009 he has been collaborating with the Zerozerocinque campaign!